The Savannah City Council has to approve an intergovernmental agreement with the county today, in order to hold a sales tax referendum in November.
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At least two aldermen expressed concerns about moving forward with the agreement, however, due to questions about what projects will be funded if voters approve the tax.
Aldermen Mary Ellen Sprague said she could not support a list of $190 million in city projects submitted by the city manager, unless she saw what projects Chatham County planned on funding. Chatham Commission Chairman Al Scott has not provided that list.
Sprague was also concerned about funding for projects such as a children's museum being cut from the city's list.
The city does not have to approve a detailed project list today, said City Attorney Brooks Stillwell. Only the intergovernmental agreement, which includes general funding percentages for the county and cities, needs to be approved in order to send the list for justice department approval and meet advertising requirements, Stillwell said.
Even if a detailed list is not required, the council should approve one in order to show voters exactly what the tax would be funding, Alderman Tony Thomas said.
The mayor said that she would try to get the county's list ahead of the council meeting this afternoon.
Return to or see Friday's Savannah Morning News for additional information.